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Api permissions

Permission classes to be used within ninja-extra controllers.

Some permissions are global (like IsInGroup or IsRoot), and some others are per-object (like CanView or CanEdit).


# restrict all the routes of this controller
# to subscribed users
@api_controller("/foo", permissions=[IsSubscriber])
class FooController(ControllerBase):
    def bar_get(self):
        # This route inherits the permissions of the controller
        # ..."/bar/{bar_id}", permissions=[CanView])
    def bar_get_one(self, bar_id: int):
        # per-object permission resolution happens
        # when calling either the `get_object_or_exception`
        # or `get_object_or_none` method.
        bar = self.get_object_or_exception(Counter, pk=bar_id)

        # you can also call the `check_object_permission` manually
        other_bar = Counter.objects.first()

        # ...

    # This route is restricted to counter admins and root users
        permissions=[IsRoot | IsInGroup(settings.SITH_GROUP_COUNTER_ADMIN_ID)
    def bar_delete(self, bar_id: int):
        # ...


Bases: BasePermission

Check that the user is in the group whose primary key is given.

Source code in core/
def __init__(self, group_pk: int):
    self._group_pk = group_pk


Bases: BasePermission

Check that the user is root.


Bases: BasePermission

Check that the user is currently subscribed.


Bases: BasePermission

Check that the user has at least one subscription in its history.


Bases: BasePermission

Check that this user has the permission to view the object of this route.

Wrap the user.can_view(obj) method. To see an example, look at the exemple in the module docstring.


Bases: BasePermission

Check that this user has the permission to edit the object of this route.

Wrap the user.can_edit(obj) method. To see an example, look at the exemple in the module docstring.


Bases: BasePermission

Check that this user owns the object of this route.

Wrap the user.is_owner(obj) method. To see an example, look at the exemple in the module docstring.